Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I Am Sure Of This

In his farewell sermon to the Lake Placid Baptist Church family, Pastor Derek Spain shares from the heart and echoes the words of the apostle Paul from Philippians 1:3-11. Paul was writing to a group of people he loved dearly, people who had been changed by the power of Jesus Christ. Pastor Derek has been the pastor of a group of people just like that. Our hope is in the LORD. I Am Sure of This. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/IAmSureOfThis.mp3


Anonymous said...

will you still be posting sermons? Havn't seen any in awhile...

Anonymous said...

Yes, the church will resume posting sermon podcasts soon. The church has been in a time of leadership transition, and is excited to continue to post podcasts to encourage people (like you) in their faith!