Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas Is About...Living
Christmas is about so many things. John 3:16 tells us that Christmas is about loving, giving, believing and living. In this fourth message of a four-part series, we explore that Christmas Is About...Living. John 1:1-18 is the Scripture text for this message, and in this message we see three things that Jesus is, and we learn three ways we should respond. The result? The life God intends for you to have! Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/ChristmasIsAboutLiving.mp3
eternal life,
God's children,
Gospel of John,
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas Is About...Believing
Christmas is about so many things. John 3:16 tells us that Christmas is about loving, giving, believing and living. In this third message of a four-part series, we explore that Christmas Is About...Believing. As the Lord spoke to Mary through the angel and through Elizabeth, she believed God. We can learn a lot from this young woman. Her story is in Luke 1:26-55. Listen to the message here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/ChristmasIsAboutBelieving.mp3
Gospel of Luke,
Monday, December 14, 2009
Christmas Is About...Giving
Christmas is about so many things. John 3:16 tells us that Christmas is about loving, giving, believing and living. In this second message of a four-part series, we explore that Christmas Is About...Giving. We can learn a lot from the wise men about giving. Pastor Derek shares five gift ideas. From Matthew 2:1-12, listen to the message here http://www.lpbaptist.org/ChristmasIsAboutGiving.mp3
Monday, December 7, 2009
Christmas Is About...Loving
Christmas is about so many things. John 3:16 tells us that Christmas is about loving, giving, believing and living. In this first message of a four-part series, we explore that Christmas Is About...Loving. Examining the person of God and the person of Joseph, the husbad of Mary, we see tht Christmas is indeed about loving. From Matthew 1:18-25 and other select passages, listen to the message here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/ChristmasIsAboutLoving.mp3.
Monday, November 30, 2009
The Great and Awesome Day of the LORD
What will the Day of the Lord be like? In this message from Malachi 4, entitled The Great and Awesome Day of the Lord, you will learn 5 things about what that day will be like. Will you be ready? Will those you care about be ready? Do you really believe that God is not only a God of love, but also a God of justice? Listen to this message here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/TheGreatAndAwesomeDayOfTheLord.mp3
One note: Pastor Derek refers to a chart in the message. You can download the chart here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/timeasariver.pdf.
One note: Pastor Derek refers to a chart in the message. You can download the chart here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/timeasariver.pdf.
eternal life,
God's Word,
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The LORD Took Notice And Listened
What is it that makes the all-knowing, all-powerful, omnipresent LORD of the universe pause, take notice and listen? In this message from Malachi 3:13-18, you will learn that answer and more. A group of people were criticizing the LORD. Another group of people talked among themselves. The LORD Took Notice and Listened. Then what? Find out here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/TheLordTookNoticeAndListened.mp3
Monday, November 16, 2009
Songs 2009.11.15
Listen as the LPBC praise team leads the congregation in singing songs to the Lord. Recorded live at the worship service on November 15, 2009. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/songs2009.11.15.mp3
dealing with difficulty,
God's love,
Pour Out The Blessings!
God wants to bless His people. He is the purifier, the judge, the one who pours out blessings. According to Malachi 3:1-12, we need to recognize who He is, see what He has done, and respond in ways that honor Him. There are social, theological and economic principles to learn in these verses. Pour Out The Blessings! Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/PourOutTheBlessings.mp3
Monday, November 9, 2009
The God of the Covenant
Our God is not just a "God of the ceremony" or a "God of the contract." He is a covenant God, and we are His covenant people. What are some characteristics of this covenant? How do we relate to God, and live a life of holiness, faithfulness and justice? From Malachi 2, listen to The God of the Covenant: http://www.lpbaptist.org/TheGodOfTheCovenant.mp3
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Songs from worship 11/1/2009
Listen to the Christ-exalting, inspiring worship songs led by LPBC praise team (Jeff, Charlie, Dain & Maria) from our worship service in November 1, 2009. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/songs2009.11.01.mp3
Monday, November 2, 2009
Are You Giving God Your Leftovers?
When you think about what God has given to you, what are you willing to give to Him? According to Malachi 1:1-14, when you come to know who God is (through His names), and you recognize the love He has for you, you will respond with a holy fear of Him. This response will cause you to want to give God your best, not your leftovers. How do you do this? Are You Giving God Your Leftovers? Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/AreYouGivingGodYourLeftovers.mp3
The Wonderful Spirit-Filled Life
Are you experiencing a wonderful, Spirit-filled life? You can! LPBC ministry coach Greg Wittmer draws from his personal experience and many Scripture passages to share a message entitled The Wonderful Spirit-Filled Life. Living the life God wants you to live is not too far away. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/TheWonderfulSpiritFilledLife.mp3
Monday, October 26, 2009
Imitate Me As I Imitate Christ
When the apostle Paul said to one group of Christians, "Imitate me as I imitate Christ," what was he saying? His statement speaks of leadership, relationship, an example to follow and more. In this message Imitate Me As I Imitate Christ from 1 Corinthians 11:1, you will hear the responsibility we have to look to Jesus, to learn from others, and to lead others to follow Christ. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/imitatemeasiimitatechrist.mp3
1 Corinthians,
following Christ,
Monday, October 19, 2009
Questions about Difficult Times and Suffering
It is wonderful to know that the Bible has answers to life's biggest questions. Two questions that people ask are:
1. Why does it seem that a "black cloud" is following me everywhere I go?
2. How do I rejoice in suffering?
Drawing from James 1:2-4 and other Scriptures, this message answers these two very important questions. Listen to this message Questions About Difficult Times And Suffering here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/QuestionsAboutDifficultTimes.mp3
1. Why does it seem that a "black cloud" is following me everywhere I go?
2. How do I rejoice in suffering?
Drawing from James 1:2-4 and other Scriptures, this message answers these two very important questions. Listen to this message Questions About Difficult Times And Suffering here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/QuestionsAboutDifficultTimes.mp3
dealing with difficulty,
God's Word,
praising God,
rejoicing in afflictions,
spiritual blessings,
Worship Music
The sermon at Lake Placid Baptist Church this week answered two questions.
1. Why does it seem that a "black cloud" is following me everywhere I go?
2. How do I rejoice in suffering?
One of the biblical answers to these questions includes filling your mind with great music that honors the Lord. Click here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/music20091018.mp3 to listen to the songs from the worship service. There are so many great hymns, songs, choruses and worship songs that will fix your mind and heart on God -- listen to them!
A great website to find great inexpensive Christian songs is www.christianbook.com. Click on their "Bargains" then click on "Music" to find some fantastic deals on great Christian music.
1. Why does it seem that a "black cloud" is following me everywhere I go?
2. How do I rejoice in suffering?
One of the biblical answers to these questions includes filling your mind with great music that honors the Lord. Click here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/music20091018.mp3 to listen to the songs from the worship service. There are so many great hymns, songs, choruses and worship songs that will fix your mind and heart on God -- listen to them!
A great website to find great inexpensive Christian songs is www.christianbook.com. Click on their "Bargains" then click on "Music" to find some fantastic deals on great Christian music.
God is great,
moving mountains,
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Problem of Evil
The question someone might ask goes something like this: "If God is good, and all-powerful, and everywhere, then how does evil exist in the world?" Or, they might ask this: "Why doesn't God just remove all the evil?" In classic theology, this question is known as The Problem of Evil. Whether you are talking to an atheist, a skeptic, or someone who is simply trying to figure out the answer, you will want to be equipped to answer this question. Drawing wisdom from several Scriptures - Genesis 3, Romans 8, Revelation 21, and Deuteronomy 32 - you will be glad to know the Bible answers this question! Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/TheProblemOfEvil.mp3
dealing with difficulty,
God is good,
God is great,
Monday, October 5, 2009
What Are You Looking For?
What if God asked you, "What Are You Looking For?" what would you say to Him? When a couple of guys began following Jesus, He turns around and asked them this very question. Their response is surprising, but it is exactly the right answer. In John 1:35-51, we learn what they say, what they do next, and what it teaches us about following Christ. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/WhatAreYouLookingFor.mp3.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Why Do You Eat And Drink With Tax Collectors And "Sinners"?
The religious leaders of Jesus' day were confused, curious and a bit critical of Him. He and his disciples did not live according to all of their rules and regulations. Jesus and his followers even sat down for meals with tax collectors and other so-called "sinners." When Jesus calls Levi to be his disciple, Levi hosts a banquet so that all of His friends can meet Jesus. In another town, Jesus invites Himself to be the dinner guest at Zacchaeus' house. We can learn much from these two events recorded in Luke 5:27-32 and Luke 19:1-10. In this message, Pastor Derek and Kurt Nichol discuss what the Bible teaches about being a witness for Christ every day, everywhere you go, on the job, in your community, in your home, and more. They discuss the principles of Scripture and give practical ideas to live out your faith everywhere you go. Pastor Derek shares six evangelism styles, and asks, "Which one best describes you?" Kurt gives his story of how God has burned these truths deep in his heart. Listen to the message and you will know how to answer the question when people ask you, "Why Do You Eat And Drink With Tax Collectors And "Sinners"?" Click here to listen: http://www.lpbaptist.org/WhyDoYouEatAndDrinkWithTaxCollectorsAndSinners.mp3
Gospel of Luke,
sharing the gospel,
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
When Tragedy Strikes - Worship God!
You never know when tragedy will strike. Whether it is the tsunami that struck Indonesia in 2004, the financial crisis that struck the USA in 2008, or a number of other types of crises - mental, emotional, physical, spiritual - there are always biblical ways for Christ-followers to respond. In this message from Psalm 29 entitled When Tragedy Strikes - Worship God! you will be challenged to see the crisis through the lens of the Bible, and you will know what to think and what to do. Listen to the message here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/WhenTragedyStrikesWorshipGod.mp3
dealing with difficulty,
God's power,
Monday, September 14, 2009
Don't You Care That We're Going To Die?
When Jesus and his disciples faced a life-threatening storm while traveling across the Sea of Galilee, his disciples found Him sleeping on a cushion! They woke Him up and pleaded with Him, "Don't You Care That We're Going To Die?" What Jesus did next was amazing. His words and actions demonstrated that He was not just a good teacher, but the only one who could save them on that day. What about the storms of life that you go through - do you think that Jesus cares about you? Mark 4:35-41 is the text for this sermon. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/DontYouCareThatWereGoingToDie.mp3
dealing with difficulty,
God's presence,
Gospel of Mark,
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Why Have You Treated Us Like This?
Let's Ask God Some Questions. He is the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-wise God. In the Bible we find people asking Him life's most important questions. His answers will amaze you.
In this message from Luke 2:41-50, we ask the question Why Have You Treated Us Like This? If you have ever experienced days filled with anxiety, worry or fear, you may have asked Him this question. Listen to the message here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/WhyHaveYouTreatedUsLikeThis.mp3
In this message from Luke 2:41-50, we ask the question Why Have You Treated Us Like This? If you have ever experienced days filled with anxiety, worry or fear, you may have asked Him this question. Listen to the message here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/WhyHaveYouTreatedUsLikeThis.mp3
Gospel of Luke,
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
In Hebrews 12:1-3, the Bible describes in great ways the opportuntity that each of us has to run the race that God has set before us. Those who have gone before us have shown us the way. What we do with this opportunity is up to each of us. LPBC Associate Pastor Jeff Gray preaches this message entitled Run! Listen to the message here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/run.mp3
following Christ,
running the race,
Monday, August 17, 2009
Hearing God's Voice
Sometimes God gets our attention through booming circumstances or sermons or life events. But many times the way He speaks to us is more subtle. You have to really be listening to hear what He is saying. In this message from 1 Kings 19:1-18, you will discover what one man learned about Hearing God's Voice. His story may help you to know how and what God is saying to you. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/HearingGodsVoice.mp3
1 kings,
dealing with difficulty,
hearing from God,
Holy Spirit,
spiritual strength,
spiritual victory
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Church on Mission
LPBC Youth Pastor Ryan Schneider led a group of teens and adults to serve on mission in Nassau, Bahamas in August 2009. Listen to this message to hear the heart of a missionary and pastor, and to see how similar this mission was to the missions of churches in the first century. This message from 1 Thessalonians 1 describes a Christ-following Church on Mission. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/ChurchOnMission.mp3
1 Thessalonians,
God's will,
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Sign Gifts
In this message fom 1 Corinthians 12:27-31, The Sign Gifts, Pastor Derek discusses the spiritual gifts of healing, miracles, tongues, interpretation of tongues, and martyrdom. How were these gifts at work in the years shortly after Jesus walked the earth? How are they at work in our world today? Listen to the message here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/TheSignGifts.mp3
1 Corinthians,
speaking in tongues,
spiritual gifts
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Barnabas: The Son of Encouragement
Barnabas was a friend and companion to missionaries, fiery preachers, homesick travelers, new believers, and many others. In this message from Acts 4:36-37 and other passages throughout the book of Acts, we examine Barnabas: The Son of Encouragement. Through his story we learn a lot about being a fully devoted follower of Jesus. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/BarnabasTheSonOfEncouragement.mp3
Holy Spirit,
IronPrayer Lake Placid 2009
IronPrayer Lake Placid 2009 featured inspiring music; testimonies from Ironman triathletes Brad Seng, Carrie Chavez, and Jay Fetterman; the gospel presented by Pastor Derek Spain; and a special time of prayer for the Ironman athletes. Recorded live at Lake Placid Baptist Church on July 26, 2009. Listen to the IronPrayer here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/IronPrayerLakePlacid2009.mp3. To view some pictures of the IronPrayer click here: http://gallery.me.com/jordancraigmedia#100090
eternal life,
finishing well,
the gospel
Monday, July 20, 2009
The Serving Gifts, Part 2
There are so many wonderful ways to serve the Lord. In this message, part 2 of 2 on The Serving Gifts, Pastor Derek teaches on the the spiritual gifts of wisdom, knowlege, faith, discernment, helping, and managing. It is a beautiful thing when these gifts are at work in compliment to other spiritual gifts. What does the Bible teach us about these gifts? And what does the Bible say about natural talents also? And, are you only supposed to serve in ways that use your spiritual gifts? 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 28 is the main Scripture text for this message. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/TheServingGiftsPart2.mp3
Holy Spirit,
knowing Christ,
spiritual gifts,
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Serving Gifts, Part 1
There are so many wonderful ways to serve the Lord. In this message, part 1 of 2 on The Serving Gifts, Pastor Derek teaches on the the spiritual gifts of serving, encouragement, giving, showing mercy, music and singleness. It is a beautiful thing when these gifts are at work in compliment to other spiritual gifts. What does the Bible teach us about these gifts? Romans 12:3-8 is the main Scripture text for this message. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/TheServingGiftsPart1.mp3
serving God,
spiritual gifts
Monday, July 6, 2009
Freedom Is What You Have
In Christ, you are free! You are no longer enslaved to the power of sin or the power of Satan. You are no longer enslaved to the legalism of the law. You are no longer enslaved to the bad habits of your sinful nature. In Christ, you have power, freedom, joy, grace and victory over sin, victory over your flesh, and victory over Satan. In this message from Galatians 2:15-21 and other select passages from Galatians, LPBC member Tom Smith reminds you that Freedom Is What You Have. Let God's Word transform your mind, your heart, and your actions so that you can walk in freedom with Christ. Listen to the message here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/FreedomIsWhatYouHave.mp3
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Speaking Gifts
In this message The Speaking Gifts from 1 Peter 4:10-11 and other select passages, we study God's Word to understand these spiritual gifts: apostleship, prophecy, evangelist, teacher, pastor, and leadership. Whether you have these gifts or not, understanding these gifts will help you to see how God is at work in and through people to build up the body of Christ and to bring Him the glory He deserves. Listen to the message here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/TheSpeakingGifts.mp3
1 Peter,
false prophets,
Holy Spirit,
spiritual gifts,
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Waiting, Walking, Wanting God
When God is the Lord of your life, your life is forever changed. You begin to experience the joy of waiting on Him, walking with Him, and wanting Him to be famous. In this message from Isaiah 26:8, Pastor Derek and three members of Holyfire Ministries discuss what it means to be a sold-out follower of Jesus Christ. You may see "waiting on God" in an all new way! Listen to this message Waiting, Walking, Wanting God here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/WaitingWalkingWantingGod.mp3
God's name,
Holyfire Ministries,
Out of Hiding,
waiting on the Lord,
walking with Jesus,
wanting God
Monday, June 15, 2009
The Gift of Faith
What role does your faith have in others putting their trust in Jesus Christ? In Luke 5:17-26, we read an amazing story of a man whose friends did whatever it took to get their friend to Jesus because they believed that Jesus could make their friend whole. Even though there were skeptics who didn't believe, Jesus performed two mighty miracles in this man's life. The Gift of Faith. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/TheGiftOfFaith.mp3
God's power,
Gospel of Luke,
spiritual gifts
Monday, June 8, 2009
I Will Show You The Best Way
There is a better way. There is a best way. To do everything. What is that way? you say. Listen and find out. This message includes a Q & A with LPBC member Michel Gribble and Pastor Derek about spiritual gifts, and concludes with Pastor Derek sharing a message from 1 Corinthians 12:31-14:1. Take a look at 1 Corinthians 13, the "Love Chapter" of the Bible, through fresh eyes as you listen to this message entitled I Will Show You The Best Way. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/iWillShowYouTheBestWay.mp3
1 Corinthians,
body of Christ,
God's love,
spiritual gifts,
the way
Monday, June 1, 2009
8 Truths About Spiritual Gifts
God does not want you to be unaware about spiritual matters. He fills you with His Holy Spirit, gives you different spiritual gifts, equipping you and empowering you to serve Him with joy, to bring Him glory, and to be a blessing to others. In this foundational message from 1 Corinthians 12, we explore the subject of spiritual gifts. In this message you will learn 8 Truths About Spiritual Gifts. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/8TruthsAboutSpiritualGifts.mp3
1 Corinthians,
body of Christ,
God's decisions,
God's glory,
Holy Spirit,
serving God,
spiritual gifts
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Sacrifice. On Memorial Day, we honor those who have given their lives to defend our nation. But Jesus calls us to be willing to give our lives for Him. To give our lives totally to Him. What does Jesus mean when He says, "deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow Me"? In this message from Luke 9:23-27, we discuss Sacrifice. Led by Pastor Derek and including questions and answers from the congregation.... Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/Sacrifice.mp3
deny yourself,
following Christ,
Gospel of Luke,
Jesus is Lord,
Jesus' sacrifice,
Memorial Day,
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Yield Yourselves to God!
Sin is battling against us. In Christ, we have been set free from the power of sin. God wants us to yield ourselves to Him so that we will live a holy life in every way. In this message from Romans 6:1-23 and other passages, evangelist Shawn Holes challenges us: "Yield Yourselves to God!" Listen to the message here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/yieldyourselvestoGod.mp3
crucified with Christ,
God's power,
Holy Spirit,
living for Christ,
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Spiritual Cairns
Like Abraham, we are on a faith journey with God. Abraham lived in a tent and built altars to the Lord. Why? What can we learn from him? By looking closely at Abraham's life, we can learn a lot about dealing with temptations, difficulties and success. LPBC member Ryan Silvius shares a message entitled Spiritual Cairns from Genesis 12:1-13:4. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/spiritualcairns.mp3
dealing with difficulty,
spiritual strength,
spiritual victory,
Monday, May 11, 2009
Little Children, Guard Yourselves From Idols
Idols were a huge temptation to God's people in Old and New Testament times. Idols are still a huge temptation to people today. What is an idol? How do we guard ourselves from idols? Why are idols such a big deal? These and other questions are addressed as Pastor Derek discusses 1 John 5:18-21 with a group of people at LPBC. The format for this message is very different than any we've done before. It's a bit like it would have been for Jesus as He sat in the synagogues and discussed Scripture with the folks in the first century. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/littlechildrenguardyourselvesfromidols.mp3
1 John,
eternal life,
false gods,
God's children,
God's power,
spiritual protection,
worldly pressures
Monday, May 4, 2009
Ask God
Google, yahoo, ask.com. When you have questions, who do you turn to? God wants you to ask Him. He has all of the answers. He loves to give you just what you need. He loves for His children to talk and listen to Him. In this message, Ask God, from 1 John 5:14-17 you will learn about praying with confidence, praying in God's will, praying believing, praying for others and more. What you learn may surprise you, and it will strengthen your faith in God. Listen to the message here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/askGod.mp3
1 John,
God's children,
Heavenly Father,
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Gospel of the Kingdom
Do you believe God wants to save those that are lost? He does! Special guest speaker Justin Kendrick, lead singer of the band Out of Hiding, shares a message from Mark 1:15 entitled The Gospel of the Kingdom, and challenges each person to pray for people, serve them, and invite them to hear the gospel. On June 20, 2009 Holyfire Ministries will be performing a concert in Lake Placid, NY. Everyone is invited to attend. Listen to the message here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/thegospelofthekingdom.mp3
God's kingdom,
Gospel of Mark,
sharing the gospel
Monday, April 20, 2009
So That You May Know That You Have Eternal Life
You can know that you have eternal life! The Bible tells you that you can know. The Bible tells you how you can know. And the Bible tells you how your life on earth will be changed forever when you know that you have eternal life. In 1 John 5:6-13, the Bible speaks of three witnesses that give testimony about who Jesus is. And in these verses, the Bible declares that the letter of 1 John was written So That You May Know That You Have Eternal Life. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/sothatyoumayknowthatyouhaveeternallife.mp3
eternal life,
Gospel of John,
Holy Spirit,
overcoming the world,
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
When You Meet The Risen Savior
On the day of the crucifixion of Jesus, His followers were demoralized. But then on the third day, after they met the risen Lord, they were filled with joy, power and burning passion to tell others that He is alive! Two of the disciples talked with Him at length on the road between Jerusalem and Emmaus. Their story is recorded in Luke 23:13-35. Listen their story, and you'll see the changes that take place When You Meet The Risen Savior -- http://www.lpbaptist.org/whenyoumeettherisensavior.mp3
Gospel of Luke,
Jesus' resurrection,
Jesus' sacrifice,
The Sign On The Cross
Jesus' crucifixion was the greatest example of His love for us. Fixed above Him was a sign that communicated who He was and the reason He was being put to death. What was on the sign? What did it mean? What impact does it have for us today? Also, is there a hidden word on the cross? Listen to this message from John 19:19-22 The Sign on the Cross here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/thesignonthecross.mp3.
And, for more detailed info on the "hidden acrostic" on the cross, visit this site: http://www.ccsom.org/languageofjesus/SignontheCrossofJesus.htm.
And, for more detailed info on the "hidden acrostic" on the cross, visit this site: http://www.ccsom.org/languageofjesus/SignontheCrossofJesus.htm.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Faithfulness. Commitment. Commitment to God... commitment to marriage... God's commitment to us. The Bible speaks of God's faithfulness and how He strengthens us to be faithful, to be people of commitment. In this message Commitment from 2 Samuel 15:13-21 and other selected passages, LPBC youth pastor Ryan Schneider shares what God's Word says about commitment. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/commitment.mp3
What do you think about God? Do you have a high view of God, a low view of God, or no view of God? Believe it or not, what you think about God is of utmost importance to your life. What you think about God is also critical to where you will spend eternity. In this message from Isaiah 55:8-9 entitled I AM, LPBC member Chuck Reynolds shares a powerful message from God's Word. Your thought life may never be the same. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/iam.mp3
God is great,
God's glory,
God's power,
God's presence,
Monday, March 23, 2009
That Was Easy!
Everyone has burdens. Keeping God's commands should not be one of them. But for too many people living for Christ is a heavy burden. The life God wants us to live in Christ is full of love, joy, peace and so much more - an abundant life in Christ. Jesus wants to carry your burdens so that you can - with joy! - follow His Word and be guided by His Spirit. Listen to this message from 1 John 5:1-5 entitled That Was Easy! Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/thatwaseasy.mp3
1 John,
brotherly love,
God's love,
overcoming the world,
spiritual victory
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Perfect Love Drives Out Fear
In our world today, people are afraid. There are fears about lots of things: the economy, health issues, relationships, more. But the Bible says Perfect Love Drives Out Fear. In this message from 1 John 4:12-21, discover God’s timeless truths about overcoming fear by knowing love, growing in love and showing love. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/perfectlovedrivesoutfear.mp3
1 John,
brotherly love,
God's love,
knowing Christ,
spiritual growth
Monday, March 9, 2009
God is Love
The word "love" is used in so many ways in our society. People say things like, "I love my dog, I love my job, I love my wife, I love cheeseburgers, I love the NY Yankees, I love God." With all these uses for the word "love," how do we know what it means to say that "God is love"? In this message from 1 John 4:7-12, entitled God is Love, we explore the depths of God's love and realize what that has to do with us. It's staggering. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/godislove.mp3
1 John,
brotherly love,
God's love,
love languages,
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Adam Pengilly - World Championship Skeleton Silver Medalist
After a very challenging 2008-2009 sliding season including injuries, successes, and disappointments, British Skeleton team member Adam Pengilly competed in the 2009 Skeleton World Championships in Lake Placid, NY. After heat #1, he was in 15th place. At the conclusion of the race, he had won the silver medal. How did he come back from so far behind? What was his secret to success? How did the downpour of rain on the first day of competition threaten to ruin his chance at victory? Listen to his inspiring story of competition, of faith, of highs and lows, and seeing God at work in the midst of good times and bad. Listen to his story here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/testimony_adampengilly_20090301.mp3. And, for more on Adam, visit his website at www.adampengilly.com.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The Spirit of Truth
How do you know when someone is telling the truth and when they are trying to deceive people? The world is filled with false prophets declaring their version of the truth. And sometimes these prophets don't even realize that they have been deceived. How do you know the truth? Jesus wants His followers to know the truth in every situation. In this message, The Spirit of Truth, from 1 John 4:1-6, you will learn the key to knowing the difference between truth and deception, and you will see the eternal consequences of truth and lies. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/thespiritoftruth.mp3
1 John,
false prophets,
God's Word,
Holy Spirit,
Be My Witnesses
Jesus calls us to be His witnesses. He gives us the power to witness for Him. He tells us where to witness for Him. In this message from Acts 1:8, Be My Witnesses, you will learn four places where Jesus wants every Christian to be a witness for Him. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/bemywitnesses.mp3
Monday, February 16, 2009
What God's Children Look Like
Look at a child and you probably see some resemblances to his or her parents. The way the child walks, the way the child talks, and the way the child behaves all give away who his or her parents are. So what do God's children look like? In this message from 1 John 3:4-24, you'll discover What God's Children Look Like. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/whatgodschildrenlooklike.mp3
1 John,
God's children,
Holy Spirit,
Monday, February 9, 2009
How Great a Love
God's love for us is amazing. It is so great, it is so wonderful, it is so marvelous that it leaves us in awe. God calls us into a relationship with Him. In this message, How Great a Love, from 1 John 3:1-3, we explore the depths of God's love for us, and we see how the Bible calls us to respond to His love. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/howgreatalove.mp3
1 John,
God's love,
relationship with God,
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Living In The Last Hour
What if you only had one hour left on earth? How would you spend your time? What would you do that will last for eternity? When reading 1 John 2:18-29, three questions came to mind: 1) Why do we care about antichrists? 2) What is the deal with 'the anointing'? and 3) What does it mean to 'remain in Him'? Living In The Last Hour. We live in amazing times. We need God and His wisdom more than ever. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/livinginthelasthour.mp3
1 John,
Christ's return,
end times,
eternal life,
Holy Spirit,
Monday, January 26, 2009
Overcoming The Temptations Of The World
The world throws many temptations at us each and every day. How can you overcome every temptation, and live a holy and pure life? In this message, Overcoming The Temptations Of The World, from 1 John 2:12-17, you will learn how to be victorious every single time you are tempted! Sound too good to be true? Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/overcomingthetemptationsoftheworld.mp3
1 John,
God's Word,
Heavenly Father,
relationship with God,
spiritual strength,
spiritual victory,
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
How We Are Sure That We Have Come To Know HIM
How can you be sure that you know Jesus? If a person is a Christ-follower, their life will produce spiritual fruit. But what kind of fruit? In this message, How We Are Sure That We Have Come To Know HIM, from 1 John 2:3-11, you will be challenged to examine your life, to see if you are truly a follower of Jesus. And if you are a follower of Christ, this message will challenge you to be sold out to Him in obedience and love. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/howwearesurethatwehavecometoknowHIM.mp3
1 John,
following Christ,
obeying God,
walking with Jesus
Monday, January 12, 2009
So That You May Not Sin
Sin is dark, it is dangerous, it is destructive. As a believer in Christ, God empowers you to live a life of holiness and Christlikeness in every way. Every time you are tempted to sin, you can be victorious. How? In 1 John 1:5-2:2, the apostle tells you that he is writing the truths of God to you So That You May Not Sin. Listen to this message to learn how to have victory every single time: http://www.lpbaptist.org/sothatyoumaynotsin.mp3
1 John,
missing the mark,
spiritual victory,
walking in darkness,
walking in light
Monday, January 5, 2009
Crammed Full of Joy
Have you ever seen a net crammed full of fish? How about a hole crammed full of dirt? God wants to fill you up with His joy in the same way. In this message, Crammed Full of Joy, from 1 John 1:1-4, you will discover what it means to have fellowship with God and with others, and to experience the joy that God wants you to have, no matter what circumstances life throws at you. You will also learn why some books, such as the "Gospel of Judas" were never included as part of the Bible. Listen here: http://www.lpbaptist.org/crammedfullofjoy.mp3
1 John,
God's Word,
Holy Spirit,
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